Housing Price Index, Wealth, and Protective Shield against Covid-19

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Mihai Pichler
Florin Skutnik
Aurel Vlad
Hossein Shahri
Muhammad Ridwan


This paper aims to fill two purposes: 1) we document that housing price index between different cities have inter-correlation. This means that when the housing price in one city goes up the other city follows. However, in the case of a big city and a small city, the housing price index of small city follows the path of housing price index in the small city. 2) The housing price index is a measure of wellbeing and wealth of residents. At the onset of a pandemic, wealthy and richer people have a wealth-protective shield against the disease. We show that this is the case in the US. We document that higher housing price indexes are associated with lower confirmed case of Covid-19 and lower risks of death due to the disease. 


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Mihai Pichler, Florin Skutnik, Aurel Vlad, Hossein Shahri, & Muhammad Ridwan. (2021). Housing Price Index, Wealth, and Protective Shield against Covid-19. SIASAT, 6(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.33258/siasat.v6i1.84


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