Small Arms Proliferation and Its Security Implications in Jos North Local Government, Nigeria

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Olawale Gbadeyan
Oluwaseun Osadola


After World War II, there has been a steady increase in the volume of small arms produced across the world. While the initial producers stepped up their production as a result of the cold war, some other new producers stepped up their production as a result of the cold war. Some other new producers joined the industry both for the same reason and profits. These arms had, in the period, wrecked havoc on mankind in the violent conflicts they facilitated. Both superpower blocs engaged in the ideological war never considered these negative side effects, as what mattered was the expansion of spheres of influence. The international community woke up in the last two decades to the realization of the havoc the proliferation of small arms has done to mankind. It has suddenly been discovered that the biggest agent of destruction of human lives is small weapons, which are very cheap and easy to acquire. The uncontrolled accumulation and proliferation of small arms have become a major threat to the international community. Jos North, Plateau State of Nigeria, has not been spared the impact of the proliferation of these weapons exacerbates conflicts, making them more violent and more resistant to resolution by non-violent means. The efforts by both the Nigerian government and the stakeholders to curb these problems are examined. The main objective of this study is to examine small arms proliferation and its security implications for Nigerian society with particular emphasis on Jos North Local Government. In furtherance of this, it examines factors that are salient in or paramount to small arms proliferation in Jos North.


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How to Cite
Olawale Gbadeyan, & Oluwaseun Osadola. (2023). Small Arms Proliferation and Its Security Implications in Jos North Local Government, Nigeria. SIASAT, 8(4), 221-227.

